Lost in the Shuffle - Story Cast Revealed!!


Lost in the Shuffle

After losing big at a mob-fronted poker game, gambling enthusiast Quinn, with best friend Morgan, get in way over their heads when a scheme to pay back the money goes from terrible to down-right life changing. When Morgan hatches a plan to rob an armored truck making a delivery, he never knew helping out his friend meant running from the law, the local mob and a maniacal billionaire bent on revenge. The only option our two intrepid “heroes” have is to drive, walk, and crawl cross country to Quinn’s father out west while picking up a motley crew of friends and encountering dangerous foes along the way. They believe Quinn’s tech mogul father is the only one who can save them and help pay back his debt. After his father left Quinn
and his dying mother in the mid-west years ago, Quinn never forgave him for abandoning them. The only option Quinn has is his worst nightmare.


Inspired by the kinetic and irreverent movies of Shane Black, Edgar Wright, Wes Anderson and L. Frank Baum’s literary classic The Wizard of Oz, this cross-country adventure twists and turns towards a truly explosive ending that will redefine what “family” really means.



I've been sitting on this story for far too long and it's about dang time I finished it. There are some pitch events coming up so I took a break from writing to get an illustration completed of the overall "cast" of my story. These characters are really starting to take shape and I love where the story is going. I'm excited to start querying this story to potential agents and publishers. Fingers crossed!


