New Picture Book Launch Announcement

Casey and I are very excited to announce that we are officially launching Cora and the Moon this Spring 2021!!

We published When I Grow Up in 2018 through Kickstarter and have decided to get Cora out to all you amazing people in the same way. Casey sent out a Kickstarter update this past week to let all of our original backers know the big news. Let us know if you have any questions but you can learn all about the upcoming campaign by following our new Instagram account here.

To those of you who helped back WIGU, thank you and hopefully you will also support us as we launch Cora. It's been a labor of love on so many levels.

Here is a video of a dummy book I mocked up to get a sense of the actual finished book. It really helped show me some issues that I'm working through now. Just think of it as a sneak peek just for you!
