Booking School Author Visits Now

Author & Illustrator Visits Booking Now

Casey Bowers and I are still booking school author visits for Spring and Fall 2020. We had some great visits this past 2019 talking about our Children's Book When I Grow Up, talking to kids about careers, and having just a lot of fun. We just love talking to kids about how to make a book through writing and art and inspiring them to think about their future. We always want kids to know that no matter who they are or where they come from, they can do whatever they want so always dream big. 

We have had great success with the Kindergarten through 3rd grade classes but also talk to the older kids (4th-6th) about having a career in Art, Design, and Writing. 

If you are interested in having Casey and I visit your school, please let me know. 
You can email me at

Also check out our FB page for more info:
