When I Grow Up now in stores!!

Casey and I are super excited for all the love and support for our book. It's been quite a ride this past month. We are happy to announce that our book When I Grow Up is in select book stores in Columbus, OH. You can find it at Cover to Cover children's book store in Upper Arlington and The Book Loft in the historic German Village. Quantities are super limited so get a copy soon!

We are sadly out of books as our first delivery was only a portion of what is on the way. We currently have 850 more books on a boat somewhere sailing the ocean blue and they should arrive just after the new year. Stay tuned on how to get your copy.

We are also in the process of getting a big launch event planned for early February 2019. It's going to be a blast so stay tuned (again) for more details.

2018 has been a great year but 2019 is shaping up to be pretty amazing. Thanks to everyone involved.
