Can't Wait to Finish the Book

Now I'm not saying I'm not having fun or very proud of the book, don't get me wrong. I love Dave's story and my art looks fantastic! But with getting a new job, potentially looking for a new job, doing freelance to help pay the bills, and trying to actually lose about 10 lbs, my life is quite hectic right now! I don't really have a lot of extra time lying around.

But I digress....

The reason I can't wait to finish is first, to get it off my plate. Second reason is that a few years ago I started a Graphic Novel, got about 5 pages in, and left it for dead. I had so many compliments and praise for where I was going and then, once again, life got in the way. Well now I have decided to actually keep moving on my project as a Weekly Web Comic. I've been doing a lot of research and this seems like an avenue where I can just create at my own pace and get my work out to the world.

I can't wait to get back into the passion project of mine and I hope you all will enjoy it as well.

