I've been a fan of Brett Battles for some time and his character Quinn is one of my all time faves so I didn't really know what to expect when I started SICK.
Leave it to Battles to suck me right into the story and tug at my heartstrings (Hey, I've got kids too!). I really related to the angst and determination of Ash on his journey to find his children and could not wait to see where the story took him. Many other characters were introduced along the way...some of which I hope to see again and some I couldn't care less about, but every new character was introduced for a reason and helped show a different side of the Epidemic. I've never been a huge fan of stories or movies about Viruses and Epiedemic's but I knew Brett wouldn't let me down.
I hope to see much more of Captain Ash and his family and new network of friends as I feel that I'm now personally and emotionally invested in their well being and future journey. Also intriquing to me is this new global organization bent on a devastating change to our world and the flip side organization that has established itself to stopping them. We only get a glimpse into what I can only imagine will be a huge story coming our way some day.
SICK is a fast paced Thriller with great twists around every corner that's built on the love between a father and his children. I can not recommend this story enough and I hope to see more of this Universe unfold one day.
Go buy this!!!