Hey everyone,
It's been some time since I've posted anything, but work has been really busy (finally) and I've been going home every day and painting til the wee hours of the night on the book. I thought it only fair that I post a few pics from my phone for you all to see where I'm at in the grand scheme of things. I'm about .....eh....85% done with the actual inking/coloring and have already received some fantastic feedback from my author and the organization she works with (http://www.apraxia-kids.org/). It's getting down to the wire and I have less than a month to get the whole thing done and I see some very late nights in my future, but I wanted to say thanks to CASANA and all the support from my family and friends.
I'll be wrapping the whole thing up in June so please feel free to contact me with any other freelance or contract work you may have. Got some really exciting leads and a few potential projects lined up in mid-late 2011. Will keep you posted.
Thx guys