I'm just going to come out and say it, I'm not a huge fan of "Churchy" words. You know....those words that people say a lot in church or pause while praying, looking for the words that will sound "holier". Not a fan, but as I said last time, I talk to God or about God the same way I speak in every day conversation. When I hear my friends at church, other than my Pastor Adam, use these terms, it almost always sends a red flag off in my head and makes me smirk just a small bit. I understand coming to God in reverence, but I base most of my beliefs upon what I learned as a child and therefore come before him as such. Aware of his Awesomeness, but also humble and inquisitive with lots of questions and innocent thoughts.

BUT...You still need to know what they mean because they are so important and mind blowing!

So, I've decided to make a Glossary Blog post about a few such words in no particular order:

GRACE: the freely given, unmerited favor and love of god. (Basically, unlimited Second Chances)

MERCY: compassionate or kindly forbearance shown toward an offender, an enemy, or other person in one's power; compassion, pity, or benevolence
SALVATION: deliverance from the power and penalty of sin; redemption. (Jesus dying on the cross and wiping out our sins)

THE GOSPEL: Basically, when someone says "The Gospel", they just mean...."The Bible".

ANOINTED: Old Testament..."To apply oil onto someone."
                       New Testament..."given special power/authority by the Holy Spirit to work with the Spirit in accomplishing the task at hand"

BLASPHEMY: Speaking about God with contempt, hatred or disdain. (Naughty....)

REPENTANCE: A change of mind, a reorientation of one's thought and action away from what it was before (Coming before God and asking for forgiveness)

COVENANT: It is a contract between God and a specific people. The covenant includes promises and responsibilities.  

These are just a few of the ones that always get me and constantly confuse my wife when they're used in Church, or Group, or whenever. It amazes me that the people who use them necessarily shouldn't and the people who have the theological background don't use them as much as you'd think. 

Do I use them...no.

Do I understand them....yes. 

And you should too.



Daniel Cordell said…
Interesting insight. Particularly with the word "Gospel"... I've asked people before if they knew the gospel and what it was and "basically just the Bible" was their answer.

But that is a misnomer if the Gospel is something more specific that pertains to a specific message found in the Bible. Its also unsettling if people can't explain that specific message but claim to be "saved" by it.
Alex Clark said…
I would agree whole heartedly that my comment was vague and all encompassing and "The Gospel" is much more in depth. More for the newbie's and those who didn't grow up in the church. Thanks for the comment.