Hey everyone,
EVC is starting a new message series in a few weeks and it's sure to be a doozy and ruffle a few feathers. How do we as a community of Jesus Freaks get Non Believers or Past Believers back into the church? How do we break down the stereotypes and let people know that we're all damaged goods, but God love us anyway? How do we as Christians love everyone and judge no one when our society dictates that we should? Come see and hear some pretty heavy stuff from Nov - Dec in Picktown.


Fred said…
Hi alex,
Nice web site. Nice designs. Really nice rice. How DO we get people BACK into church. Of course, that is assuming tht church is that thing that happens on sunday morning and wed. evening. Why wouldn't people want to come? Heck, you can spend your Sunday morning listening to a band and a public speaker talking about what you are not and how you should be instead of laying there bored in bed! Face it. our concept of what church is probably needs to go back to church first. I mean, if we can't intice people to come by offering them by the above and the thrill of parking cars, moving chairs and ushering, and the best dagone band on Jericho road, then nothing will probably move them. Just thinkin. It might be nice to address the idea of hypocracy and how to deal with it instead of just saying we all do it. It also might be nice to enjoy a diversity of "leadership" working collaboratively as in the oily choich did instead of the one-man-and-a-band concept. I'm just sayin. Anyway, I think the signs might be working to get people here to at least check out and see if EVC ES differente.