Easter Services Artwork April 08, 2015 artwork christ CHRISTIAN Church columbus columbusohio crucifiction easter golgotha good friday ink Jesus jesus freak Ohio paint palm sunday service +
Frankenstein's Day Off March 19, 2015 children's book columbusohio frankenstein funny horror illustration kids monster Ohio pickerington +
Old Man Flash - Barry Allen March 19, 2015 barry allen columbusohio comicart comicartist cwflash Dc Comics flash illustration pickerington +
Harley Quinn Sketch February 10, 2015 Batman captain america Dc Comics harlene quinzel harley harley quinn quinn sketch steve rogers +
Spiderman Vs. Juggernaut February 10, 2015 Comics juggernaut marvel sketch spiderman spidey x-men Xmen +
Superman & Flash Sketch February 10, 2015 Action Comics barry allen Comics DC Dc Comics flash sketch sketchbook superman the CW the flash wb +
Christmas Commissions! Bats, Punisher & Hulk, Oh My! December 22, 2014 Batman columbus comicart commission Dc Comics hulk illustration marvel marvel comics Ohio punisher +
Deadpool Dawg Pound! Browns for Life! December 12, 2014 ART bengals browns chimichanga christmas cincinnatti cleveland columbus commission Dawg Pound deadpool football marvel comics NFL Ohio Xforce Xmen +
Flash Sketch - Loving the new TV Show!! October 18, 2014 arrow barry allen comic art comic books Dc Comics flash geek green arrow sketch the CW the flash tv shows +
New Live Painted Artwork - Charity Event September 21, 2014 ART artwork BIBLE brush children CHRISTIAN david bowden God India ink Jesus kids map painting poetry the seed co. +
Comic Art Pages - New Short Story August 22, 2014 ART Comic comic art comic books comic pages illustration rough layout sequential art sketch +